The Irresistible Life

Living a life that is irresistible, not in an ordinary way, but through living out, all God has called us to live.


These recent weeks, I've been contemplating what I term "the irresistible life" - not the kind of life that appears perfect, but the type that truly inspires us. We read books about such lives because we want to learn from them — individuals whose existence transformed history and paved the way for a brighter future.

They comprehended that life is not meant to be wasted on selfish dreams and reckless desires. Their existence possessed flavour and conviction.

When we look at their lives, perfection is not what we find, as I mentioned earlier. Instead, we observe confidence - not human, not a mere natural kind of confidence - but rather, a supernatural one. It's the kind that remains unwavering when strong winds blow, for it is founded on a solid and unshakeable foundation.

These irresistible lives understand that they are integral to a much bigger picture than their individual worlds. They recognise that they are no longer missing pieces of a jigsaw puzzle, but rather, they are part of a community of pieces playing a central role in history. They are not in supporting roles; instead, they grasp their essential part in transforming the world, a transformation that typically starts in their own surroundings. Their lives are far from dull; they are vibrant and contagious.


They do not live with the aim to please everyone, but rather, it's a "Grace-full" existence where mercy is displayed, and joy is their strength. They do not lead defensive lives because their purpose is not to defend their God but to bear witness to Him through humility and service.

Their substance is so irresistible that it far surpasses the mundane narratives we encounter throughout the day. They prompt people to wonder and perhaps question themselves: "'Why should I go back to whimpering complaints' when what my eyes have seen is way more irresistible?"

And just like that, they continue moving forward, changing the world.

For you:

Your life is a precious gift to God and the world. You are not here to waste such a precious gift. I want to encourage you today, to read it out loud Psalm 139. Read it slowly, and let God’s thoughts about you be a constant reminder of how special you are to Him and how He wants to see you thriving and growing.




The Delight of Experiencing Him